Wild meat recipes
Wild meat is the more sustainable and climate friendly than conventional meat production. I have become self-sufficient with wild meat and here I share some of my best wild meat recipes. If you want to learn more about my experiences before pulling the trigger, check out my hunting stories here.
Chili con venison
Chili con carne made with game is a hunter's favourite. Especially on cold hunting days, cooked over a fire, enjoyed in the company of good companions.
Wild wraps over the fire
Recipe for wild wraps cooked over a fire. Bonfire food is great and this recipe is both easy and simple. Enjoy.
Roe buck fillet over bonfire
A fresh venison fillet cooked over a fire, enjoyed with good friends on the hunting field. Served with fresh edible flowers from the forest.
Parisian steak with roe deer
Roast deer tatare served with freshly grated horseradish, capers, and egg yolk on top of a buttered piece of bread.