Jægerinden Mette Karin Petersen - Cookbook - Wild Weekdays - Hunting and game recipes

Recipes with wild meat harvested by me

Wild Weekdays

Jaegerinden - Mette Karin Petersen - Cookbook - Hunting and game recipes

30 wild meat recipes - perfect for wild weekdays

After pulling the trigger

Hunting has a before, during, and after. A good hunt ends when the dinner is served. That’s the final part. Except if you have kept memorabilia of the animal. A photo. A hoof. A feather. Or maybe antlers.

Wild meat is more sustainable and climate-friendly than conventional meat production. Here you won’t find any transport necessary, no plastic packaging and often no feeding of the animals. In many cases, there’s no stress involved for the animals. In most cases, you pull the trigger, when they do not know. In their natural surroundings.

For those reasons above, the responsibility I am given as a hunter, my admiration and appreciation for wild meat - I have become self-sufficient with wild meat and have been that for the last three years.

I love cooking and in my kitchen, it doesn’t have to be a national art or competition. You won’t find any fancy recipes in this book. You will find recipes for weekdays. Be inspired to cook wild meat in a new different way, hopefully.

Happy hunting & happy cooking.

 Take a look in the e-cookbook

Both in English & in Danish