Project Dedicated Lead Free

  1. April 2024, lead in rifle ammunition becomes illegal in Denmark. This is one of the reasons why lead-free rifle ammunition is one of the hottest topics in the hunting industry right now, both in Denmark and in the rest of Europe. Together with Norma , I have launched the #dedicatedleadfree project in the summer of 2022, which aims to educate hunters about lead-free rifle ammunition. My role is the curious, outreaching and investigating hunter. I'm not the expert, Norma is. This project will span in video and article format from production to practice.

Episode 1: Introduction to lead-free rifle ammunition

In this episode I take you to Åmotfors, where Norma's production and headquarters are located. In the company of Anton Brask and Jonas Hellentin, I review some of the most frequently asked questions that Danish hunters have on the subject of lead-free rifle ammunition. We review the pros and cons, characteristics of Norma's lead-free options, EVOSTRIKE and ECOSTRIKE, and shoot in gelatin blocks to see how the lead-free bullets perform on impact.

Episode 2: Beech hunting in Denmark with ECOSTRIKE Silencer

In this episode we go buck hunting in Denmark with ECOSTRIKE Silencer. The classic, trusty ECOSTRIKE, now produced for short pipes and pipes with silencers. After three days and more than 17 hours we managed to bring down a summer buck. In the deep Danish forest, on a sunny morning. Finally, we relocate and cook deer mini tacos over the fire.


Pregnancy & shooting